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Alan Sondheim
2015-07-16 15:27:48 UTC

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doubled rababa through Luke Damrosch comb filter array
improvisation coupled by sight, see Audacity wouldn't
accept ASIO on this machine and so had to run with MME
on both and couldn't get a signal out of Audacity so
it's a bit of sonic impairment with visual clues as to
envelope and trajectory. -

pretty much how i feel about the my life at the moment
Jonathan Marshall
2015-07-17 02:02:14 UTC
For what its worth the talk I gave at the launch of Disorder and the Disinformation Society: the Social dynamics of information, networks and software is at:


The other three talks might go up later....


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Alan Sondheim
2015-07-17 02:07:24 UTC
of course will look, but is there a Freudian slip in "disoder" = disodor?

- Alan :-)
Post by Jonathan Marshall
The other three talks might go up later....
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Jonathan Marshall
2015-07-17 02:28:23 UTC
Post by Alan Sondheim
of course will look, but is there a Freudian slip in "disoder" = disodor?
- Alan :-)
what would life be like without the information mess :)

Post by Alan Sondheim
The other three talks might go up later....
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web http://www.alansondheim.org / cell 718-813-3285
music: http://www.espdisk.com/alansondheim/
current text http://www.alansondheim.org/th.txt

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