Alan Sondheim
2016-04-07 22:12:12 UTC
"Symmetrical backboning with fractal walking
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walk for you music just for you music just for you
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walk for you
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walk for you
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walk for you
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walk for you
around the neighborhood," Argon Groan said. Range Anger agreed,
but wasn't sure about the scaling. "There's definitely something
to it," he replied. "To think that a few rules, as Wolfram might
have it, can lead to anything as monstrous as this!"
"Monstrous?" said Argon. "Monstrous?" There's always beauty - or
something... beneath the surface. Surely the universe of Love
Vole..." He was stopped in his tracks by Range, yelling "Move
away from the Origin! Watch out for the raster gerbils!" They
were everywhere, obscuring and entangling any conceivable ideas
about patterning and code, as well as the languages of desire
and comprehension. They were inherent in the work of M. Serres,
who, however, refused the biological circumambulation.
Loading Image... music just for you music just for you
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around the neighborhood," Argon Groan said. Range Anger agreed,
but wasn't sure about the scaling. "There's definitely something
to it," he replied. "To think that a few rules, as Wolfram might
have it, can lead to anything as monstrous as this!"
"Monstrous?" said Argon. "Monstrous?" There's always beauty - or
something... beneath the surface. Surely the universe of Love
Vole..." He was stopped in his tracks by Range, yelling "Move
away from the Origin! Watch out for the raster gerbils!" They
were everywhere, obscuring and entangling any conceivable ideas
about patterning and code, as well as the languages of desire
and comprehension. They were inherent in the work of M. Serres,
who, however, refused the biological circumambulation.