Rest in Peace, Chris
(too old to reply)
Tom Ellis
2015-03-31 21:19:28 UTC
You do not know Chris. He was never on Cybermind. He was, however, my
friend, and as I count quite a few of you among my friends I will share.

Chris died about a week ago. He was 44, and left behind a wife and two
children. It was undiagnosed pancreatic cancer. His doctor has told him
for a year that it was just acid reflux. Chris was a very close friend of
mine. One of the best network engineers I've ever known, and a good,
compassionate man. I'm sorry to spam the list with this but I need to vent.
We had not seen each other much over the last couple of years, and had been
trading phone calls about getting together for dinner. Now that will not
happen. Nothing in his storyline will happen. It's over.

I don't really need replies to this. I'm just venting. I found out this
morning and have already passed through the surreal 'this can't be real'
phase. I'm just venting.

He was a good man. He loved his children. He brewed really good beer, some
batches with me as his brewing partner. He was too young.

Jim Reith
2015-03-31 21:24:13 UTC
Sorry for your loss Tom. It's never a good thing when a diagnosis gets missed like that. I have also had it happen to people close to me. You can only assume there was some unknown purpose to it and  remember them.
Tom Ellis
2015-03-31 21:54:36 UTC
I still have bottles of barleywine we brewed together about eight years ago. It's become almost sherry-like. I will crack one soon in memory. Thanks, Jim.

-----Original Message-----
From: Philosophy and Psychology of Cyberspace [mailto:***@listserv.wvu.edu] On Behalf Of Jim Reith
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 5:24 PM
To: ***@listserv.wvu.edu
Subject: Re: Rest in Peace, Chris

Sorry for your loss Tom. It's never a good thing when a diagnosis gets missed like that. I have also had it happen to people close to me. You can only assume there was some unknown purpose to it and remember them.
Jonathan Marshall
2015-03-31 22:13:35 UTC
I'm sorry Tom.

That is really hard, and there's nothing anyone can say.

thinking of you anyway


From: Philosophy and Psychology of Cyberspace [***@listserv.wvu.edu] On Behalf Of Tom Ellis [***@VERIZON.NET]
Sent: Wednesday, 1 April 2015 8:19 AM
To: ***@listserv.wvu.edu
Subject: Rest in Peace, Chris

You do not know Chris. He was never on Cybermind. He was, however, my
friend, and as I count quite a few of you among my friends I will share.

Chris died about a week ago. He was 44, and left behind a wife and two
children. It was undiagnosed pancreatic cancer. His doctor has told him
for a year that it was just acid reflux. Chris was a very close friend of
mine. One of the best network engineers I've ever known, and a good,
compassionate man. I'm sorry to spam the list with this but I need to vent.
We had not seen each other much over the last couple of years, and had been
trading phone calls about getting together for dinner. Now that will not
happen. Nothing in his storyline will happen. It's over.

I don't really need replies to this. I'm just venting. I found out this
morning and have already passed through the surreal 'this can't be real'
phase. I'm just venting.

He was a good man. He loved his children. He brewed really good beer, some
batches with me as his brewing partner. He was too young.


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Subscribe Wryting-L Beth Garrison
2015-03-31 22:49:52 UTC
I'm sorry for your loss, Tom. Its hard to lose a friend, and I think more so when it's sudden and unexpected. 
Big Hugs, Beth

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
  Original Message  
From: Tom Ellis
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 5:19 PM
To: ***@listserv.wvu.edu
Reply To: Philosophy and Psychology of Cyberspace
Subject: Rest in Peace, Chris

You do not know Chris. He was never on Cybermind. He was, however, my
friend, and as I count quite a few of you among my friends I will share.

Chris died about a week ago. He was 44, and left behind a wife and two
children. It was undiagnosed pancreatic cancer. His doctor has told him
for a year that it was just acid reflux. Chris was a very close friend of
mine. One of the best network engineers I've ever known, and a good,
compassionate man. I'm sorry to spam the list with this but I need to vent.
We had not seen each other much over the last couple of years, and had been
trading phone calls about getting together for dinner. Now that will not
happen. Nothing in his storyline will happen. It's over.

I don't really need replies to this. I'm just venting. I found out this
morning and have already passed through the surreal 'this can't be real'
phase. I'm just venting.

He was a good man. He loved his children. He brewed really good beer, some
batches with me as his brewing partner. He was too young.

Alan Sondheim
2015-04-01 00:35:17 UTC
I'm so sorry to hear of this, we just lost a good friend a little while
ago, and these events, these solitary occasions, are deeply intolerable..

love Alan
